A Little Bit About The British Gamer Blog

Hey Guys
For as long as I can remember, I have always loved to play computer games. I loved coming in from school and immersing myself in the stories, losing myself in the action and getting away from the realities of real life to the fantasies of video games.

Like all gamer's I have my favourites and I am a little biased towards some games. I am a huge fan of the Final Fantasy series, as you will see if you follow this blog (I am actually currently writing a a post involving the epic series from Squaresoft/Square Enix) as well as J-RPG games in general and most platform games. I am not a huge fan of the first person shooters that seem to be the ONLY thing in this era of 8th generation that is out even though I do own some of the Call Of Duty series, I haven't gotten very far and I am not good at it all. It's perhaps most entertaining to play online and watch the n00b - me - get his arse kicked to the max.

I can't recall when I got into gaming. My first memory that I can remember is playing Wonder Boy III and thinking that the stuff the mouse could stick to was special cheese. That will be completely random if you never experienced the wonder of the game. Looking back, Master System games were absolute bliss. The graphics were good for the time and they were not the key to the game - it was all about the gameplay and the experience. Looking back its odd to think how highly rated Sonic The Hedgehog and Super Mario games were when all you did was hold right (or left in some cases) and jump. Man I love those days.

Not a day goes by (unless I am REALLY busy) that I don't have a quick game on Pokemon or throw on my PS3 and bust out a quick gaming session. And yes that does say Pokemon. It's awesome - we all know it.
This blog will be about all things gaming - thoughts on new releases and golden oldies, Youtube videos and guide or Let's Play's and just random things and posts about the world and life of games.

I hope you all enjoy it and feel free to comment on it in any way, shape or form about the topics discussed!

The British Gamer. Signing Off.